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Is Work from Home due to COVID-19 Working For You? | Cleveland Bricks

Posted by cbadmin on May 1, 2020

Since Coronavirus reared its ugly head, most of us have started working from home. For some, this is old hat, for others, a brand new experience. Either way, we all want to be productive during working hours, and to relax and leave the job behind when the workday is finished. Here are some great tips while we work from home.


Get Up and Get Ready

While working in p.j.s all day is fantastic, sometimes the simple act of getting dressed and putting effort into our appearance sets the tone for the workday. Preparing yourself for working remotely does not require a 3 piece suit, even a casual look and maintaining a morning routine sets us up for success. Bonus- it’s nice to be ready for those unexpected video calls!


Set Up A Work Space

Have a designated spot in your home that you can work from. This makes it easier to keep you organized and on task. When you have a comfortable set-up more can be accomplished throughout the day. This spot distinguishes “work” from “home”.


Plan For The Day

For those working from home with small children, stick to their established routines. Breakfast, nap, and bedtime should remain consistent. Create a space where they can “work” just like mom and dad. Have snacks, a movie, or games handy when you are on a conference call. Shout out to all the parents working from home, you are amazing! Keep up the good work.


Take Breaks

Remember to take a lunch break or occasional breather every day, just as if you were in the office. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with your workload and never stop, this only causes exhaustion. Be responsible while you’re on the clock, but a short time-out often fuels more output and creativity.


Stay Active

In the office we walk to colleague’s offices, take the stairs, we are on the go! Working from home can be a lot more sedentary. Move as much as possible. Walk during your calls or when you take a break. Activity is good for the body and the mind!


Communication Is More Important Than Ever

Reach out to colleagues often and in a positive way. Ask for help when you need to. This might sound redundant, but how many times have you found yourself spending time on a problem you would have collaborated on if you were at the office? Reach out or make yourself accessible, these days hearing someone’s voice or getting a text message has a whole new meaning.


Talk It Out

Whether you are working side by side with a roommate, family, or significant other, you are probably discovering new things about each other. Discuss the day with them. It can be extraordinary to see a new side to someone we know so well!  


Get Outside

Day after day staring at a computer screen is a drag! Spend some time in nature. Have a meeting in your backyard. Enjoy break time with a walk around the block. Give yourself some time to enjoy the day and the new season!


Be Kind To Yourself

This is a trying time for the entire world. Anxiety and stress are bound to creep into our lives. Give yourself a break, we are navigating new waters. Turn off the news, and remind yourself that this will pass. Reach out to friends and family, give and receive encouragement as much as you can.


While better days are coming, we at Cleveland Bricks are here for you in any way we can. Visit every week for more helpful tips and suggestions. Until next week, be healthy and safe Cleveland!

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