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Fun Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day 2020 | Cleveland Bricks

Posted by cbadmin on May 22, 2020

The world is re-opening, the sun has to start shining at some point, and summer is almost here. But this Memorial Day, we won’t be able to watch a parade or host a large picnic. It is time to be creative and find ways to remember and celebrate! Here a few ideas that may help make the day special.


Fly the Flag

Honor the brave men and women who serve our country by flying the stars and stripes. This simple gesture is a teaching opportunity for our children. If you don’t own an American flag, head out and buy one together. Share stories of the veterans in your life as you hang it. Create a Memorial Day tradition of flying the flag every year.


Barbeque Something New

Go big with the hotdogs and hamburgers! Try new toppings, sides, and buns. Invent new appetizers special for each friend or family member. Whip up something red, white, and blue. An ice cream sundae bar with all the fixings is great for dessert. Check out these recipes for inspiration.


Game Day

Break out the volleyball net, board games, and water toys. Make fun activity areas in your backyard. Create your own game with its own rules. The possibilities are endless! Enjoy the day with your favorite people playing and making new memories.


Set Up the Easel

Make a painting station on the back deck. Protect the flooring and paint a masterpiece! Watercolor, acrylic, or oil, if you’re brave. Then pick a subject. Your house, a waterscape, the pet, while you paint discuss where in the house the new art will hang.


Go For a Ride

Take out the bikes and ride around the block, in your favorite park, or discover a new spot. Get some fresh air, exercise, and burn off those barbeque calories! Make it even more exciting by creating a scavenger hunt. Spot a squirrel, a blue car, a daisy, etc.


Reach Out

Call, facetime, or have a virtual meeting with someone who will be alone this Monday. Spending a few minutes chatting with people who are housebound this Memorial Day, will not only lift their spirits but will benefit you and the ones you are celebrating with. 


Capture the Moment

Remember the day with a photoshoot. Make your own props and background for an inside shot, or pick a lovely spot in the park for an outdoor photo. Have a theme, a wardrobe, or just have fun and commemorate this incredible time we are living in.


Movie Night

After a long day, cozy up on the couch for a movie marathon. Watch your favorite old movies, cartoons, or shows. Break out the family/friend videos and watch Memorial Days, Christmases, and birthdays past. 

This Memorial Day, we at Cleveland Bricks want to thank our heroic servicemen and women for their honorable work. We wish you a happy and healthy holiday!

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