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Cleveland Summer | It’s Hot Out There! Tips to Stay Cool | Cleveland Bricks

Posted by cbadmin on July 24, 2020

With the weather hovering around 90°, the heat is real! As the dog days of Summer set in, most of us are looking for ways to enjoy indoor and outdoor activities while staying cool at the same time. So, if you don’t have a pool of your own, let’s look at some tips to stay cool this Summer!


Beat the heat while you sleep

For those without air conditioning, or have experienced trying to sleep when yours is on the blink, we have you covered! Some of the best tips to stay cool this Summer while you sleep are:

  • Use cotton sheets
  • Choose light-weight and roomy P.J.s
  • Stick clean sheets in the freezer for a moment, right before bed
  • Turn on your fans and circulate the air
  • Invest in cooling mattress and pillow pads
  • Because heat rises, try to stay low to the ground
  • Cool off your bed with a cold pack


When you are heading out

When you venture out into the heat, stay cool this Summer by running a bandana under cool water and tying it loosely around your neck. Add a wide-brimmed hat to make this an ultimate cooling combo. Have you seen those battery-operated fans people wear on a lanyard? Well, they work! Large box stores are bound to have these handy gadgets! Keep a cooler, or lunch box, handy with chilled beverages to not only keep you cool, but also hydrated. Keep extra face masks handy, change them out when they become damp to increase your safety and comfort!


When you stay in

To avoid adding to the heat by cooking on the stove, grill on your BBQ, or make light refreshing salads, salsas, or parfaits. Try chilled treats like shaved ice or popsicles. Make your own icy concoctions out of juice or flavored water. A nice long room-temperature bath or shower is another great way to beat the heat and stay cool this Summer. Purchase an inexpensive spray bottle and fill it with cold water, or keep it in the fridge, this will provide instant relief with every spritz! Finally, on these long hot days, prepare a large bowl or clean bucket with cold water, and soak away the heat while you relax on the couch.


Splashdown in the backyard

Enjoy this summer with fun and games in the yard. Set up the sprinkler, to the joy of many children, let it mist you and your loved ones later in the day. Avoid going outside in the early afternoon, as it is usually the hottest time of the day. Set up the umbrella, or sit in the shade, and watch the world go by. Stay cool this Summer with a friendly water balloon fight! Social distance at dusk with friends and neighbors over frosty treats, drinks, or an ice-cold glass of your favorite beverage, and enjoy the evening with your favorite people. Get creative with the kids or family and create your own cooling devices and homemade remedies to cool down in the great outdoors!


This Summer we still have to be vigilant and look-out for one another, but we don’t have to swelter. We hope these tips will help you stay nice and cool this summer! Until next week, be safe and healthy!

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