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Did You Adopt a New Pet? Here is How to Keep Your House Clean | Cleveland Bricks

Posted by cbadmin on July 31, 2020

During the quarantine, pet adoption and fostering have been on the rise. With so many people spending time indoors, the time seems right to find a new pet. In fact, according to Fox News, PetPoint, software used by over 1,000 national animal shelters, pet adoption has risen 700% from this time last year! A new pet is truly a joy, however, keeping the house clean can be a challenge in the first few months. If you just brought home a new addition to your family, we have some great tips on how to keep your house clean while training your new buddy.



Keeping fur on your pet and only your pet can be a troublesome ordeal depending on your pet’s breed. If your pet enjoys a certain spot on the couch or bed, have a special blanket or comfy towel nearby to protect your furniture and mattress. Regularly brushing your pet’s coat, washing, and grooming will also help to keep your house clean. The marketplace is filled with amazing vacuum cleaners specially designed for cleaning after pets. Now might be a great time to invest in a new vacuum to aid in the battle of the fur!


A Pet “Toolbox”

Designate a basket or container full of pet essentials to keep your house clean. Think of this as a toolbox filled with cleaning supplies, grooming tools, even a spot for their toys. Having these things handy will help when coming home from a long muddy walk and cleaning off little paws. You’ll never have to hunt down a brush or comb when dealing with pesky matted fur. An organized spot for all the little things a pet owner needs is always a good thing.



Outdoor training and litter training usually involves a few accidents that need to be cleaned up quickly. For those with flooring that can be washed or mopped, this is an irritating but simple task. For the rest of us with carpet, the job gets a little trickier. There are many cleansers that claim to remove pet odor, we recommend speaking with your veterinarian on options based on your pet’s breed and temperament. A carpet cleaner may also be a great and effective way to keep your house clean while training. To cut back on accidents, regularly take them outdoors or to the litter box. 



Odors, dirt, and grime just might be hiding in your pet’s bed or crate. Choose bedding that is easy to clean or machine washable. Thoroughly wash out your pet’s crate, towels, and blankets. Include mats/rugs by the doors during this cleaning. Regularly washing or airing out these items will also aid in keeping the grime at bay! This not only helps your pet stay tidy but will help keep your house clean and smelling fresh. 


We hope these simple tips will help not only keep your house clean but will give you extra time to enjoy your pet. Congratulations! We wish you many happy healthy years with your new friend!

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